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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2019.1.03

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
The media studies vocabulary has included the word hipster in multiple ways recently and named thus seemingly unrelated phenomena. Our focus is on what puts together this diversity, and to what extent this rhetoric responds to the existing hipster values system that is more a life feeling than style or subculture. The dynamics between life style and subculture identity, dissolution of strong subcultures to tribes, scenes, and so on, or the doubt – denial even – of subculture identity are the motives that hipsterhood implicitly thematizes in the way of its cultural presentation and semantic sedimentation. We are interested mainly in existential semantics of hipsterhood as a life feeling with the stress on its aesthetic qualities, the questioning of the perception of hipsterhood – dissolving semantics of the concept and unclear semantics of the phenomenon that oscillates between a worldview, life style and fashionable trend.
Klíčová slova
subculture, self-expression in subculture, hipster, dandy, cultural memory, ironyny
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