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The quality of social networks influences the quality of life in old age because the absence of them leads to social exclusion and loneliness), which are, according to the literature, the most serious concerns perceived by seniors.
We focused on the social networks of seniors and loneliness in the urban environment. We were interested in how seniors reflect their social networks. Do they place emphasis on family or community networks? The paper was based on a mixed-method with a questionnaire on a sample of 1,026 seniors living in cities in Slovakia in combination with in-depth interviews.
In connection to the assumption of the influence of long-term patterns of family structures on intergenerational relationship and relationships with friends, it was found that there is a preference for family networks. Friendship networks are long-lasting, transforming and, unlike kinship networks, do not extend geographically beyond city boundaries.
seniors, social networks, loneliness, family, community, city
Article Text
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