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The paper focuses on identities construction of the second generation of Muslims in the Czech Republic. It consists mainly of young Muslims, descendants of parents of migrants who came to Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1990s as part of student and labour migration. Their socialization took place in the context of a Muslim family, but they were primarily socialized in the context of the Czech environment. Thus, second-generation Muslims move between several cultural frameworks, transnational fields, located in the space in-between (Levitt 2009). They negotiate their identity situationally and must cope with their parents' country of origin, ethnicity and national identity. In the interviews of second-generation Muslims, I would therefore like to show how these young people with a migratory experience treat ethnicity when reporting on their otherness, what strategies they apply when negotiating key social identities. These are data that I created based on semi-structured interviews.
Muslims, islam, social identities, ethnic identity, second generation, migration
Article Text
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