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The article analyzes the work of the first generation of Chinese anthropologists, who emulated the late-Qing intellectuals in indigenization of the colonial science through contacts with European and American colleagues, at the background of the historical, political and ideological context of the Republic of China (1911–1949). The analysis shows that although the Chinese historiography ex-post profiled them as members of two competing schools, anthropologists formed a fieldwork-oriented community of practice in which they opened up a discursive space not only for confrontation with the enemy during the Second Sino-Japanese War but also for a critical interrogation of the racial assimilationist ethnic policies of the ruling Kuomintang. Clinging to their different approaches, the debates produced various conceptualizations of their common goal: the unified Chinese nation. Contemporary Chinese ethnic policies also draw inspiration from the foundations of republican anthropology.
China, anthropology, ethnology, ethnography, Chinese nation, indigenization of science, community of practice
Article Text
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