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The paper discusses the transformation of the industrial landscape after the restoration of Lithuania's Independence and post-Soviet deindustrialisation, and the aspects communicating the meaning of this changes. It focuses on the changes identified visually, and within the materiality of the built environment. The paper analyses the people’s perception of the changed Soviet industrial landscape and the meanings the industrial places gain in transformation. It shows that the sense of an “empty place” rest in people's experiences, and their memories about what Soviet industrial districts were. But it became evident that an “empty place” is a transitional stage that creates the conditions to the emergence of new beginnings. The paper unfolds that today the industrial districts are active places in which various individual economic activities and economic structure emerge. The research is based on two Lithuanian Soviet industrial cities of Alytus and Marijampolė.


landscape, industrial place, visuality, post-Soviet deindustrialisation, Lithuania

Article Text


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