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The focus of the research was an anthropological and archaeological rescue excavation of the site Majetín – Náves. This research was conducted by workers of Archaeological Centre Olomouc during September and October 2012. The aim of the research was to verify a potential of this site, which is located on the northern border of the village. The location is shaped like a mild terrain elevation, Calvary column was built on the top. Municipal chronicle of Majetín describes this area as a place of storage of the bodies of sixteen Napoleonic soldiers. The research was realized through archaeological probes. Trenches covered one quarter of this mound, six human bodies were found, two bodies of adult men and four children. Backfi ll of the burial mound contained sporadic bits of pottery of the Modern period. More sensitive dating material (such as parts of military equipment) wasn’t discovered. The incisors of the lower jaw of one of the men had traces of the trauma of a military origin. Quarry and grinding of the teeth were probably caused by the systematic utilization of the teeth to open paper cartridges (charge with the dose of gunpowder and bullet), that were used during the 18th and 19th century. Neither the way of the committal of the men’s corpses which was according to the principles of Christian burial rite nor the written historical sources indicate that these graves originated from combat action. Apparently the men died during the transport to a military hospital and were buried in Majetín. The children were buried later, their burials are in superposition and one of the graves of the child disturbed another soldier’s grave. The children were likely to become victims of a cholera epidemic which extended into the region between August and October 1866, after the Battle of Tovačov. The inhuming of all the bodies corresponded to the principles of Christian burial practices, nevertheless they weren’t buried in consecrate ground and the regulations of the time required burials in cemeteries. Observed situation is probably connected with the necessity to solve the crisis situation of the epicemics from part of the relatives.
anthropology; archaeology; Early Modern; funeral rite; central Moravia
Article Text
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