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Young Vietnamese migrants, often raised by Czech nannies and who thus spend most of their time in a Czech environment, often end up feeling more Czech than Vietnamese. “Confessions of the Vietnamese” is a Facebook community that creates a space for young Vietnamese migrants to get acquainted with each other and to discuss their daily life experience as, what they term, a “banana kid”—“yellow on the outside, white on the inside”—or alternatively, as their parents’ generation calls them, mất gốc, one who has lost one’s roots. Based on a qualitative analysis of the posts from “Confessions of the Vietnamese”, we have determined the conflict zones as well as uncovered the intergenerational problems between parents (first-generation migrants) and their children (1.5 and second-generation migrants), who are often seen as the “model” minority.
second generation migrants, young, migrant, Vietnamese, Czech Republic, intergenerational conflict, migration
Article Text
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