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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2022.1.04

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
“Confessions of the Vietnamese” is a Facebook community that creates a space for young Vietnamese migrants to get acquainted with each other, discuss their daily life experience, and share a wide range of emotions. Intergenerational conflict is present as a topic in approximately one-third of the posts on the “Confessions of the Vietnamese” page. Based on a qualitative analysis of these posts, we have determined what the conflict zones are, and we have uncovered the intergenerational problems between parents (first-generation migrants) and their children (1.5 generation and second-generation migrants), who are often seen by Czechs as the “model” minority. The language and cultural barrier between these children and their parents, as well as the parenting style of the Vietnamese, are some of the key factors causing distance and potential conflict among them. This often causes misunderstandings on the cultural level which lead to feelings of frustration and distance.
Klíčová slova
second-generation migrants, young, migrant, Vietnamese, Czech Republic, intergenerational conflict, migration
Text článku
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