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In today’s Mexico the Aztec dance (Danza Azteca) became an inseparable part of zócalos and other parts of Mexican cities. There are two main branches of the Danza Azteca –the syncretic Danza Azteca Conchera (or simply Danza Conchera) and its new version called Danza Azteca-Mexica, “purified of catholic elements” which developed from Danza Conchera. The article focuses on the syncretic ritual Danza Conchera in the Central Mexico and the process of so-called aztequization which consisted of implementing new Aztec elements in the ritual in order to approach the supposed original version of the ritual of the old Aztecs. As the aztequization played a crucial role in the subsequent formation of the Danza Azteca-Mexica groups and laid the foundations to its ritual, the article examines the key elements and figures as they are being remembered and recounted among present Concheros and Mexicas. It stems from author’s field research in the Central Mexico 2009-2017.
Danza Azteca; Danza Conchera; Concheros; Aztec dance; aztequization; syncretic ritual
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Internetové zdroje
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Citované rozhovory
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Fabián Frías (FF), osobní komunikace, 20. 7. 2021; 21. 7. 2021; 24. 7. 2021.
José Antonio Cruz Rodríguez – Tlacuilo (JACR), osobní komunikace 13. 3. 2021; 13. 5. 2021; 7. 6. 2021; 6. 8. 2021.
Zitlalkalli, osobní komunikace, 26. 9. 2015.
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