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The article analyses the temporalities attributed by the tourism-related literature to transitions of the environment of the Bohemian Forest in the second half of the long 19th century, with a special focus on the gales and bark beetle outbreak in the 1860s and 1870s. The expansion of both individual and organised tourism in the region since the late 1870s aligned with the economic decline of the region following its rapid development connected to the elimination of the damages caused by the outbreak, which severely affected the health of the forest and the inhabitants of the Bohemian Forest region. The article suggests that tourism acted as a resilience strategy, enabling adaptation to socio-economic uncertainties brought by living in a more-than-human world. Apart from nationalist motives, the perception of nature and its transitions played a key role in the establishment of tourism in the region which was often characterised by its forests.


tourism history; guidebooks; the Bohemian Forest; nature; forest; bark beetle; temporality

Article Text


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