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This study is devoted to the phenomenon of civil resistance, which has become one of the most explored phenomena in the Colombian academic sphere. This article will analyze three cases of communities living in remote and state apparatus of overlooked areas of Colombia that have developed this form of defiance against the aging armed and structural conflict. Each of these three communities represents a different ethnic group of the population of the country (the Nasa Indians, the Afro-Columbian population of the Yurumanguí River and the Ariari River Community) and another type of peace initiative. The aim of this article is therefore to determine what type of civil resistance each of these communities represents and, in particular, to find common characteristics through which it would be possible to identify the common cause of why these initiatives originated and were successful in these communities.
armed conflict, civil resistence, collective action, Colombia, peace initiative, Nasa, afrocolombian, FARC
Article Text
Práce byla napsána v rámci řešení projektu specifického výzkumu podpořeného studentskou grantovou soutěží FF UHK v roce 2014.