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The progress of JZD Slušovice, one of the best-performing cooperatives in socialist economy, was linked to the high performance of its employees. In the article, from the point of the Luhman’s social system theory the cooperative is viewed as a social self-organized system, which differentiated from the environment, representing the socialist economy, through work-related decisions of employees. According to the theory, the author assumes that the premises are continual as structures of the employees’ collective memory. Her aim is to generalize undecidable decision premises in attitudes toward work from narratives that were talked by the employees. As analytic tools was used structural narrative analyses focusing on the evaluation of work experience events. As a result two following premises were generalized from several categories of evaluated events, here called as evaluation variables: ‘to find a job according to skills’ and ‘it was essential to perform the task’.
JZD Slušovice, collective memory, decision premises, social system, employees, narratives
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