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Extensive medieval and Early Modern fi eld systems have been preserved in English countryside. The article aims at achieving synopsis on English research for the purpose of explaining similar traces of past agricultural activities in the Czech Republic. In England, majority of preserved fi eld systems consist almost exclusively of ridge and furrow, whilst in the Czech Republic strip lynchets and fi eld boundaries are mostly detected. However, local ridge and furrow is mentioned many times in Bohemian documentary evidence. Comparison with British fi eld systems already helped to put Czech research into a broader context (Dohnal 2003; 2006). The author therefore recommends employing British research in explaining Bohemian archive and iconographical materials on local ridge and furrow. The article describes the main results of exploring English ridge and furrow, its appearance, date of origin, purpose and variations. Other remnants of medieval landscapes (strip lynchets) are discussed as well. Special attention is paid to “reversed S” shape of many medieval fi elds, hardly explained phenomenon related probably to complicated maneuvering with plough teams.
Landscape; Historical geography; England; Middle Ages and Early Modern Period; Land Use; Agriculture; Ridge and Furrow
Article Text
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