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The text serves as an example of the multi-sited ethnography within the frame of the migration processes from Central Europe to the Balcans throughout the nineteenth century. It focused on the settlement Clopodia (in Czech, Klopotín) in Rumanian Banat, settled in the middle of the nineteenth century by numerous population from the Czech Lands. Even though the migration processes to the historical territory of Banat (contemporary Serbia and Rumania) have already been surveyed, this specifi c migration within the frame of the Habsburg Empire has until now stood aloof from the interest of historians and ethnologists. Therefore, the author of the article denominates it “forgotten” and the point of departure of the migration designates as “Moravian”, as the Czech--speaking population came mostly from that region of the contemporary Czech Republic. To Moravian origin refers the present-day language as well as the historical memory of the descendants of the fi rst colonists. This, together with the chosen analyzed manifestations of social praxis serves the author to indicate the identifi cation framework of the community.
migration; multi-sited ethnography; fellow countrymen; Clopodia; Rumanian Banat
Article Text
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