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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2017.4.05

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
The aim of this study is to present the journey of the Czech geographer Jiří Viktor Daneš (1880–1928) to the New Zealand (1923), to explain the origin of his photographic collection and postulate how Daneš had presented his view of foreign cultures to Czech society both as a scientist and a former Czechoslovak consul in Sydney.
Analysing pictures from the North and South Islands of New Zealand it seems Daneš wanted to take his original look at geomorphology, nature, climate, society and culture of living. Based on his travel book Tři léta při Tichém oceáně [Three Years at the Pacific Ocean] (1926) it is possible to declare Daneš used photographic pictures as trails and sources for next scientific research and also for popularization. It is clarified the structure of this archival collection (positives, glass negatives and diapositives) and the extent of its damage during the floods of 2002. Using the archive classification and the method of cultural transfer.
Klíčová slova
photography;photographic archives;, journey around the world;cultural transfer;New Zealand;Maori culture;Jiří Viktor Daneš
Text článku
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