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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2019.1.01

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Throughout its history, studies of subcultures have drawn on a large body of different paradigms, from the sociological tradition of Chicago school, through the cultural studies perspective of Birmingham CCCS to the post-modernism of post-subculture studies. What all of these have in common, besides the topic of their interest, is the perspective of subcultures as a world in itself or subcultures as a reaction to dominant society or combination of both.
In our paper, we argue for a more encompassing theoretical view, which we tend to call a relational perspective. Inspired by symbolic interactionism (G. A. Fine, J. P. Williams) and studies on identity and alterity (R. Brubaker, F. Cooper, T. H. Eriksen, G. C. Spivak), while building on concepts devised in post-subcultural studies (S. Thornton, D. Muggleton, R. Weinzierl), we claim that delineation of a particular subculture is done in respect to many different actors.
Klíčová slova
relational perspective, subcultures, subcultural identity, authenticity, punk, emo
Text článku
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