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The article focuses on the relationship of religiosity and subjective satisfaction,a problem that has recently become one of the topical themes of social sciences. The author on the one hand presents the great expectations that the society (even non-religious) puts in the “satisfactory” role of religion, and on the other hand their factual unfulfillment, or better to say the minimum real influence of (non-)religiosity upon the subjective contentment. A comparison was realized with other countries of Eastern Central Europe. The quantitative data have been supplemented by several social-anthropological researches. The explication based upon this combined empirical material, consists in social position and roles of religiosity in the Czech society, different from countries where the role of religion as a factor of “satisfaction” is more patent. But there is also the factor of the commonly shared notions of religion, whose spreading was made possible also thanks to modern human and social sciences. The author proves that the relation of Czech society to religion, that is not practiced and mostly not even sufficiently known, could be categorized as estrangement. The concrete forms of this estrangement and the dichotomy between real (non-)religious life of contemporary Czech society and the expectations put unto them, should become topics of further ethnographic researches, because only through them it would be possible to interpret properly the data concerning the approaches and social behavior of the whole society.
Klíčová slova
religiosity; subjective satisfaction; Czech Republic; sociology of religion
Text článku
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