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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2020.1.01

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
Anthropological and legal literatures often claim that the anthropology of law is a boundary discipline between anthropology and law (or rather the legal sciences). From this point of view, the clear and unambiguous dividing line is a fundamental prerequisite for unproblematic interdisciplinary collaboration between social anthropologists and legal scholars and for the combination of ethnographic data with legal analysis. This article, on the other hand, recalls that in terms of the historical genesis of law-related disciplines, the relationship between the (social) anthropology and modern ontology of law embodied in the legal sciences, is entirely different. In particular, social sciences, and social anthropology in particular, have established themselves as reflexive empirical disciplines by continually transcending the spatial and temporal limits of modern legal ontology.
Klíčová slova
legal anthropology;law;anthropology;interdisciplinarity;historical school of law
Text článku
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