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DOI:  https://doi.org/10.21104/CL.2021.1.01

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Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.


The author deals with the importance of memories in connection with historical buildings and sites. The theoretical framework of the study is the concept of space and place (mostly in approach of S. Low) and collective memory (M. Halbwachs). Abstract space is transformed through human activities, interpersonal relationships, communication, memories, etc. into a known place with sense and specific meanings for certain people. Collective memory (the social representation of the past) plays an important role in this process of change. On the other hand, the memories are bound to a certain place, that is to say they are spatially anchored. In this study, the author observes what memories are related to the buildings and the site of the old hospital in Topoľčany. His informants were its former employees, doctors and nurses and the main method used was ethnographic semi-structured interview.

Klíčová slova

space and place, collective memory, hospital, Topoľčany

Text článku


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Obr. 1 Letecká mapa areálu starej nemocnice v Topoľčanoch.
Legenda: 1. hlavná budova, 2. kaplnka s vstupnou bránou, 3. administratívna budova,
4. hospodárska budova, 5. kožný pavilón, 6. nemocničný park, 7. funkcionalistická budova infekčného pavilónu, 8. vrátnica s pôvodným vstupom do areálu, 9. potok Chotina, 10. nová budova nemocnice
Zdroj: mapy.cz, legenda: J. Janto

Obr. 2 Kaplnka so vstupom.
Foto: (a,b,c) M. Kováč;  (d) J. Janto

Obr. 3 Pohľad na hlavnú budovu starej nemocnice s bývalou fontánou v popredí
Foto: (a) M. Kováč, (b) J. Janto

Obr. 4 Bývalý kožný pavilón.
Foto: J. Janto

Obr. 5 Budova pôvodného infekčného oddelenia.
Foto: (a) M. Kováč, (b) J. Janto