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The summarizing study presents the research fi eld of the so called school ethnography of the body (SEB) that started to develop during the last decade. This interdisciplinary fi eld produces results that could be used in the social and cultural anthropology, sociology, social philosophy as well as in pedagogy. The introductory part of the study is dedicated to the concept of the body that is being productively handled within the frame of the SEB. Subsequently, selected concepts of the body are applied to the socio-cultural space of the school, and in the fi nal part of the study the results of partial researches within the frame of the SEB, realized so far, are presented, as well as the basic theoretical and methodological approaches.
Klíčová slova
school ethnography of the body; critical ethnography; anthropology of the body; habitualized body; mimesis; body formation; photoethnography
Text článku
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