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The study focuses on analysis of the collection of historical graffi ti preserved in the cave Býčí skála (Moravian Karst). Epigraphic relics preserved here, started to be produced around 1796, when the cave was an integral part of the Lichtenstein
romantic landscape park. The research proved several touristic “waves of colonization” that manifested themselves in different character of the graffi ti and their varied spatial distribution in the cave. The fi rst wave of touristic presence
in the place is connected with German elites, often affi liated to the Lichtenstein court. The authors call it the Swiss-Alpine period of tourism development in “Moravian Switzerland”, as the region was called in this period. The second wave of tourism was associated with Czech population, which appears in the course of the second half of the 19th century, according to graffi ti. At the end of this century the Czech patriots renamed the area “Moravian Karst”. The model of “Arcadia” is found again, but no more in the Alpine mountains, but in the North America – land of the Indians and pioneers. This change found its expression in the specifi c graffi - ti of this period. During the fi rst half of the 20th century both phases developed in parallel. After the displacement of Germans after the World War II the fi rst stage ended defi nitively, while the second one continues almost until today.
Klíčová slova
graffiti; tourism; speleology; Moravian Karst
Text článku
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