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The present study focuses on the intertextual relations between fairytale patterns and their artistic adaptations that are in contemporary literary communication and meta-communication denominated apocrypha. The study analyzes and compares the short story anthologies of Přemysl Rut V mámově postýlce (In Mummy’s Bed, 2000) and Květa Legátová Mušle a jiné odposlechy (Shell and Other Eavesdroppings, 2007). Both authors in some of their stories reproduce in specifi c way the classical adaptations of folklore tales, or better to say components of their typical plotlines. The study shows how the intertextual relations between apocrypha and its fairy-tale prototexts are established and aims to identify the nature of intertextual transformations of the original tale plots, motives and characters. The basic procedure of apocrypha writing is the motivic amplifi cation of the fairy-tale that enters the text either through the quotation or through the basic plotline that is then rewritten anew. The fairy-tale prototext or the general acquaintance with it constitutes the indispensable perceptual background of the apocrypha and upon this background the ironic intertextual game with allegorical or variously actualized meanings is being played. This game “it happened some other way” is focused on adult recipients, something that sets the fairy-tale apocrypha apart from the range of post-modern variants of authorial tales.
Klíčová slova
apocrypha; fairy-tales; folktales; intertextuality; contemporary Czech prose
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